Thursday, December 23, 2010

Life and Times in San Antonio, Pt. 1

I meant to do this a long time ago, but I got a little distracted with my job search as well as the Zombie Gaming Season (Dead Rising 2 and Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare).  After saving the wild west and a fictitious town in Nevada from the ravaging of the undead, I have finally gotten around to posting the first part in my epic(ly boring) adventure deep in the heart of Texas.

Therefore, in conjunction with my lack of artistic talent and the copy of PhotoShop I "borrowed," I present to you:



Before leaving, I had to cancel my month-to-month membership at the MMA gym I was attending.
Then, during our 10-hour trip, we encountered the remnants of a tropical storm in Houston.

Fortunately, we made safe and sound to San Antonio, where my car broke down 2 miles from the apartment.  Even with my emergency flashers on, some old son of a bitch didn't get the memo.

(Phoenix Force Rage comes standard with any 2011 Nissan Altima)

After getting a tow, I got to find out what was wrong with my car, and - more importantly - how much it was going to cost to fix it

However, even after several near-death experiences and being relieved of all the money in my checking account, I was happy to be in my new home.  Now, all I had to do was find a job.  It couldn't be that hard, right? 

To be continued...

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